These lessons are shared from a Christian faith perspective.
1- Our circumstances do not determine our experience or the impact of our leadership. Jesus Christ, is recognized even by many unbelievers, as the most impactful leader to have ever lived. He came into the world and lived in the most humble of circumstances (Luke 2:7)
2- Don’t give priority to title or position, but to diligence and faithfulness (Luke 2:8-18). The shepherds were abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. These lowly shepherds received that most incredible news first, of the birth of the Christ child, and were given the most blessed of assignments to see the baby Jesus and make it know abroad.
3- Intentional humility keeps us open to the most incredible opportunities. Wise men from the East continued to look for the birth of the promised “King of the Jews” and eventually they saw his star, followed it to him, where they fell down, worshipped him, and gave him gifts.
4- Make choices guided by a true purpose, come what may. Our choices may go against current customs or rules, like Joseph marrying Mary who was with child, (Matt 1:18-21). These choices may leave us wondering even doubting as we compare our success or perceived lack thereof to others (Joseph was a carpenter, and didn’t live to see the ministry of Jesus). However, remaining faithful to our purpose, and God’s promises, leads to true success fully realized in a time to come.
5- Servant leaders serve God first, which in turn serves our neighbor/others optimally. Mary’s devotion to God to seek and do His will first, demonstrated her love for Him and for all humankind. “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38)
6- Find opportunities to share good tidings of great joy with all in our reach (Luke 2:10). Christmas is for children and we can see the joy and wonder it brings to them. Approaching our work and life in a childlike, not childish, way brings joy and positive energy to us and others. Seeing and recognizing, with childlike amazement, the gifts around us, the gifts of others we work with, and with those we live and connect, invites a sense of belonging and engagement to all around us.
7- Pure love is the most powerful attribute of a leader. Admittedly I’m not sure all that this means, but I believe Jesus’s atonement and love provides access to His love. Jesus leads us with pure love to the Father and invites us to follow Him (John 14:6). Love is hard at times, consider what He asked of his apostles when He lived, and what He continues to ask of his followers. Gordon B. Hinckley said: “There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter. The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection.”
Which of the above, if any, resonate with you?
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